Company History

The roots of the company can be traced back to 2007

when an engineering and  marine surveying services was established in London by Naval Architect Bertrand TcHouangeup. Since then, it has grown into two locations [Lagos / Nigeria] and [London / United Kingdom]. The company is a champion in local content development offering an integrated range of services to the marine and offshore industries. The company identifies, trains and employ local personnel in key maritime and oil and gas hubs throughout Europe and West Africa to effectively serve clients in various countries and effectively participate in CAPEX and OPEX cost reduction.

Get In Touch

+44 (0) 7940271031

No.35 Birkwood Close, London SW12 0AU

Irrespective of the size of the work, our office offers a rapid understanding of clients’ needs and an ability to provide added value and adequate solutions to complex problems.
Our primary resource is highly qualified and experience personnel, offering clients a blend of extensive practical knowledge with strong technical support. With over 20 employees/Subcontractors, the company has a broad skill base made up of multi-disciplined engineers, surveyors, master mariners, structural engineers, geotechnical engineers and naval architects. Building on the knowledge and experience of our personnel, we are committed to in-depth understanding, along with a commitment to investment in the most up-to-date technologies to provide cost-effective services for clients.